1 Specify Admin Email
In this field, specify the admin email address on which the messages will be sent. For example, if you want all the messages to be sent on your email address, then fill in your email address in this field.
2 Set Margin
You can set a custom margin of Contact form from all the sides. The margin will be the same from all sides if the” Select All” option is checked. Uncheck ” Select All” to specify different margin for all sides i.e. Top, Bottom. Left, & Right.
3 Contact Form fields
These Contact Form Fields are added by default. You can add more fields as needed.
4 Apply Validation Rule
Click the drop down arrow and select a validation rule for the field. There are four option to select the validation rule as No Validation, Email, Numeric, and URL. Validation text lets you provide a message to help the users whose input data that is not correct.
5 Required Field
This icon signifies that the particular field is mandatory. To make a field mandatory, just click the “star icon” shown besides the field.
6 Add New Field
Click on this button to add a new field in your contact form.
7 Delete
Use this option you can delete the contact form field.
8 Typography Tab
From this tab, you can change the text style of the labels used in the contact form.
9 Button Tab
Lets you select the type of the button you want to use on your contact form.
10 Message Field
It facilitates a message box in the contact form that provides a text area for the user to write the message.
11 Enable Attachments
If enabled, the Enable Attachments option allows the user to attach the file with restricted extensions using the Browse button option. And also mention the size of the attachment as specified by you in the corresponding fields. You will also be able to define the Browser typography if Enable Attachment is checked as shown below:
12 OK
Click on the OK button to add the contact form in the template/website with changes applied.
13 Cancel
Use the Cancel option to rule out all of the changes and close the dialog box.