This ‘Format Tab’ will open when the user Double Clicks on the Designer text in the Footer section. It includes various options to style the Designed By element of the footer as follows :

1 Left Alignment

Allows the user to set the X coordinate of the Designed By element from Left side.

It also provides the direct positioning of the element in three different ways as shown below:
Horizontal Left
Horizontal Center
Horizontal Right

2 Top Alignment

You can specify the Y coordinate of the element by taking Top as origin.

It also provides three different positions to set the element directly as shown below:
Vertical (Top, Center, & Bottom)

3 Link Typography

Use this to define the typography of the Designed by Link by specifying the Style, Font Size, Color, Text Decoration, and much more.

4 Text Typography

You can customize the Designed by Text by specifying the Font Family, Colour, Effects, Text Decoration, and much more.

5 Link Preferences

Use this option to specify the Footer Link of the page that you want to open when a user clicks on this Designed by element. In addition, you can also specify whether the link will open in the same window or should use the New window in the Footer OpenIn field. These are the two ways you can select link preferences.