Even after the installation, customising TemplateToaster’s theme is very easy. You will see an additional tool on the sidebar of your admin dashboard, under the name “Theme Options”. These theme options give you the flexibility to change some elements of your theme. Let us have a look at these theme options for better understanding.

1 Slideshow Tab

This tab shows you the options of Slideshow for your theme. Even after installing, it allows you to replace the images used in the slideshow by uploading new ones.

2 Post/ Content Tab

This tab contains the options for customizing the post settings.

Number of Featured Posts –
You can specify the number of featured posts to display on the home page of the site.

Number of Columns –
You can also specify in how many columns to show the featured posts.

Show Breadcrumb on Page –
Breadcrumbs is basically the type of text-based website navigation that breaks the site into links of categories and sub-categories allowing major categories of information to be linked in a sequential order. Breadcrumb navigation is displayed to the user, so that they can easily navigate between the pages.
Select the ‘On’ option, if you wish to display the Breadcrumbs on the site. Otherwise keep it ‘Off’ to hide the Breadcrumbs.

Show Breadcrumb on Post –
You can show/hide the breadcrumb on the post.

Breadcrumb Prefix –
Use this option to set a breadcrumb prefix.

Breadcrumb Separator –
You can set a desired separator on the breadcrumb using this option.

3 Footer Tab

This includes following options to customize the Footer:

Footer Copyright Text –
Use this to add/edit Copyright Text in the footer.

Footer Copyright URL –
Place the relevant copyright URL on the Copyright Text in footer.

Display Footer Copyright –
Select ‘On’ to display the Copyright Text in the footer. Otherwise keep it ‘Off’ to hide the footer.

Footer Copyright Font Size –
Enter the required font size for Footer Copyright Text.

Footer Designed by Font Size –
Enter the required font size for Designed by element in the footer.

Footer Designed by Link Font Size –
Enter the required font size for Designed by Link Text.

Facebook Account Configuration-
You can upload a custom Facebook Icon and link it with your Facebook account. If you do not want to display Facebook Icon in the footer, you can turn it ‘Off’ and vice -versa.

LinkedIn Account Configuration-
You can upload your desired custom LinkedIn icon on footer. Then, specify the URL of the LinkedIn account to link with the icon. If you don’t want to display the Icon in the footer, you can turn it ‘OFF’ and vice -versa.

Twitter Account Configuration-
You can upload a custom Twitter Icon and link it with your Twitter account. If you don’t want to display Twitter Icon in the footer, you can turn it ‘OFF; and otherwise.

Google + Account Configuration –
You can upload a custom Google+ Icon and link it with your Google+ account. If you don’t want to display Google+ Icon in the footer, you can turn it OFF and vice -versa.

4 Colors

You can change the colors of some elements of the website, which are shown below:

5 General Tab

This tab offers you the options of general elements of your website. Use this tab, if you want to enable/disable elements like, Google Analytics, Page Title, Post Title, Navigation, Next/Previous link, Comment display, Avatar, Back To Top Button etc.

6 Error Page Tab

This tab gives you the options for configuring error page settings like, redirect to home page if Error page occurs, displaying error message, image, and more.

7 Maintenance Tab

You can make use of this tab if your website is going on a maintenance mode. You can write the title and content for the maintenance mode page. And apply an image in the background, using the available options.

8 Shortcode Tab

In this tab, you can find several of the most commonly used shortcodes. From this tab, you can get the shortcodes for Google Docs Viewer, Google Maps, Related Posts, Google AdSense, Google Chart, Tweet Me Button, YouTube, Private Content, PayPal, Login Form, Custom Menu, Archives, Contact Us Form, Calendar, Categories, Links, Meta, Pages, Recent Comments, Recent Posts, RSS, Search, Tag Cloud and Text.

9 Google Maps

This tab has the options to facilitate you with a Google Maps on your website.

10 Contact us Tab

This tab lets you customize the contact form. You can specify a Public and Private key for Google Captcha. And can customize Error/ Success message, also add more fields in the form.

11 SEO Tab

This tab has important SEO options for your website, which are divided in sub-tabs.

SEO Enable –
It is up to you whether you want to enable the SEO mode or not.

Home –
From the home sub-tab, you can specify the Title, Meta Description and keywords of the Homepage. Besides this, you can select the Title formats of Page, Post, Category, Date Archive, Author Archive, Tag, Search and 404.

SEO General –
This sub-tab has options to ON (enable)/ OFF ( disable) general SEO features, such as use of Meta Keywords, use of categories as keywords, use of tags as keywords, auto generate descriptions, set No-Index for all pages, set No-Index for all posts and set No-Follow for all pages.

Web/Social –
Through this sub-tab, you can verify your website with Google Webmaster Tool, Bing Webmaster Tool and Pinterest Webmaster Tool. And, you can also provide a default Google Plus profile, which is required for Google Analytics.

Sitemap –
You can see the sitemap of your website from this tab. Also, you can decide whether you want to include Page Type and Post type in the sitemap or not.

Advanced –
This sub-tab gives advanced SEO options. Those options allow you to turn ON/OFF the use of No-Index/ No-Follow for different archives, like Date Archive, Author Archive, Tag Archive, Category Archive, Search Archive. And, you can define additional Post and Page headers.

12 Backup/ Recovery Tab

Backup and Recovery is an important feature of TemplateToaster. You need to provide the FTP information and an Email address for backup storage. As a result this will create an automatic backup schedule. The backup of your website will be created automatically according to the schedule you’ve made. Also you can choose an automatic backup interval according to your preference, which could be as short as 10 minutes or as long as a week. Moreover, you can choose the files you want to include in the backup and which one to exclude. Similarly, while restoring the backup, you can also select which type of files you need to restore and the ones to avoid from restoring.