1. Layout

The Layout option provides you various placement options for Sidebar. You can choose from the given layout choices as below.

2. Background

Lets you choose a preferred colour, gradient, or image to apply to the sidebar background. TemplateToaster features the following advanced background options –

Colour Picker-
TemplateToaster gives you a colour picker option to choose a background colour. Here is the full description.

Custom Gradient-
You can create custom gradients with a preferred angle, color, and offset choices. You can save the gradients as well for future use. See this for more information about creating and saving custom gradients.

Browse Images-
You can apply an image in the background of the sidebar(s). TemplateToaster has an inbuilt stock of free images. You can also browse your custom images.

Moreover, you can even edit the browsed image(s). TemplateToaster provides an image editor with a dozen of editing options to customize the browsed images. For details, see this.

3. Border

Use this option to customize the border of the sidebar (s) by specifying Style, Thickness, Radius and Color .

More –
You need to click on the “More” for more border customization options. See this for details.

4. Width

Use this option to change the width of the sidebar(s).

Note: You can set the custom width in pixels if you choose Fixed width layout for your template/theme or website. Otherwise, if you select the Fluid width layout, you can set custom width in percentage.

More –
You can use this option to specify custom width by clicking “More”.

5. Margin

On clicking this option, you can set the margin of the sidebar(s) for all sides (i.e. top, bottom, left and right).

More –
You can specify the custom margins using the “More”.

6. Padding

This option lets you specify the padding of the sidebar(s) from all the sides i.e. top, bottom, left and right. Padding specifies the white space ( or distance) between the content and the border of the element.

More –
You can specify custom padding by clicking on the “More” option.

7. Texture

Use this option to apply the texture to the sidebar background.

Use this to customize the transparency of texture using “More”. Click Here for more details.

8. Effects

You can use this to apply an effect to the sidebar background.

More –
You can also customize the transparency of the effect with help of “More”. Click Here for details.

9. Shadow

This is to apply a shadow effect to the sidebar background.

The option will customize the colour, angle, blur, and distance of the shadow effect. Click Here for more details.

10. 100% Height

100% height specifies that the height of the sidebar will be equal to the height of the content.

11. Equal To Content

Equal to content means that the height of the sidebar will be equal to sidebar’s content (Widgets, Modules etc.).