1 Stock Images
You can choose any image from the free stock options by TemplateToaster.
2 Browse Image
Use this option to browse your system and quickly apply your own image(s) in the background.
3 Delete Image
This will delete the image which you’ve browsed from your system.
4 Stretch
Provides you with different settings to handle the display of an image at the desired location. The available choices are as follows:
The image will have or resume its original size, if you select “None”.
The image will be resized to fill the destination dimensions. The aspect ratio is not preserved.
The image will be set to fit the destination dimensions while also preserving its native aspect ratio.
Uniform to Fill-
The image will resize to fill the destination dimensions while preserving its native aspect ratio. If the aspect ratio of the destination rectangle differs from the source, the source content is clipped to fit in the destination dimensions.
5 Horizontal Alignment
Provides the following choices to align the background image horizontally as:
Left – Aligns the background image to the left side.
Center – Aligns the background image to the center.
Right – It aligns the background image to the right side.
6 Vertical Alignment
Includes three choices to vertically align a background image as follows:
Top – Aligns the image to the top.
Center – Sets the image in the center.
Bottom – Aligns the image to the bottom.
7 Fallback Value
Use this to choose a fallback color. Fallback color specifies the color for cases when the browser doesn’t support RGBA colors.
8 Repeat
Repeat X-
You can repeat the image in the direction of the X-axis.
Repeat Y-
Lets you repeat the image in the direction of the Y-axis.
9 Transparency
You can select the transparency level for the background image with this option
10 Save
Press the “Save” button to apply the background image.
11 Cancel
Press the “Cancel” button to drop the changes.