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Widget Options

templatetoaster wordpress theme widget options

templatetoaster wordpress theme widget options log in
Use this option to provide the text on the login button.
templatetoaster wordpress theme widget options log out
Use this option to provide the text on the logout button.
templatetoaster wordpress theme widget options hide widget on specific pages
By using this option, you can hide this widget on the desired pages.
You can select the desired pages from the list of the pages.
templatetoaster wordpress theme widget options select or unselect all
You can select all pages by clicking on the Select All button. Similarly, you can unselect all pages by clicking on the UnSelect All button
templatetoaster wordpress theme widget options block style
You can select the desired style for your widget.
There are three options available here:

The widget will be displayed with the TemplateToaster widget styles inside sidebar(s) & with default styles inside rest of the widget areas.

The widget will be displayed with default styles on all the widget areas and sidebar(s).

The widget will be displayed with the TemplateToaster widget styles on all the widget areas and sidebar(s).
templatetoaster wordpress theme widget options menu display
Using this option, you can select the appearance of your custom menu.

There are two options available

No Style:
The menu will be displayed with default styles. You can change the colors of Active, Hover and Normal Links of your custom menu.

TT Default:
The menu will be displayed with TemplateToaster styles.
templatetoaster wordpress theme widget options menu style
You can choose whether you want to show the custom menu horizontally or vertically.
templatetoaster wordpress theme widget options colors
The color options is only available when your Menu Display is in No Style mode.

Active Color:
To customize the Active link color.

Hover Color:
It is the color of the menu link when we hover on it.

Normal Color:
It is the color of regular menu link.

Responsive Web Design in TemplateToaster

TemplateToaster 7 offers highly Responsive Web Design options. The media query, the web browser, and the responsive web interface itself are the three primary parts of responsive web design. Responsive designs not just enhance the user experience but are also important for mobile-friendly aspects. All of the templates/theme designs by TemplateToaster are responsive. We will add details of all that options on this page soon.